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Roundline - Value Remainder: I Don't Get It

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Roundline - Value Remainder: I Don't Get It

Post by Bones »

I can see what it does but I don't understand it. e.g. If I put in a value of 100, it makes a big difference to the way the info displays but I don't know exactly what or how. Can someone please explain just what it is doing and what I might want to use it for?
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Re: Roundline - Value Remainder: I Don't Get It

Post by Kaelri »

As you probably know, a Roundline meter is always bound to a measure, as in MeasureName=whatever. When a ValueRemainder is set, the measure value is divided by the ValueRemainder. Then, the meter uses the remainder of that division as the display value. (Thus the "remainder" part.) In division, the remainder is the part that is "left over" - that is not evenly divisible.

For example, if the measure value is 250, and the ValueRemainder is 100, then 250 / 100 = 2.5. The remainder is the decimal: 0.5. What this is really telling you is that 250 is halfway between 200 (the last evenly-divisible value) and 300 (the next evenly-divisible value). So the remainder is 50/100, or 1/2, or 0.5. In other words, when you use a ValueRemainder, the result is always a proportion of the ValueRemainder.

The typical use of ValueRemainder is an analog clock. In Rainmeter, the Windows system time is given in seconds. (Trivia: it's actually counting the number of seconds since January 1st, 1601.) So for example, if you use ValueRemainder=60 on a Roundline that is bound to a Time measure, the time is displayed as a proportion of a 60-second interval. As the seconds tick by, the remainder gradually changes from 0 to 1, and the second hand spins around the center of the clock - until it hits the next minute. At that moment, the remainder is zero (0/60), and the second hand returns to the starting point and begins again.

If you used ValueRemainder=3600, you'd get an interval of 3600 seconds (60 seconds * 60 minutes = 1 hour). That's a minute hand. If you used ValueRemainder=43200, you'd get 43200 seconds (60 seconds * 60 minutes * 12 hours). An hour hand.

Think of it like making tally marks - the kind where you draw four lines, then cross a line through them to make 5. That's like using a ValueRemainder of 5. The "remainder" takes just the last set of marks that you haven't crossed through yet, no matter how many groups you've made, and "fills it up" until you hit the next 5-mark interval.
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Re: Roundline - Value Remainder: I Don't Get It

Post by Bones »

OK, I get it now. Thanks for taking the time to give me such a comprehensive response. I'm having lots of fun with Rainmeter at the moment, I love what it's done for my Desktop. It's the perfect solution for anyone who is afraid of the new Start Screen in Windows 8, although I like it because I hate the Start Menu in Win7.