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Rainlexer/NP++ Question

Posted: July 15th, 2011, 1:31 am
by Waldensamkeit
**I thought I had posted this question already but I think I hit preveiw instead of submit, but if I end up double posting this anyway, I apologize.

Currently the folding works like this...

| ...meterstuff
| ...meterstuff
| ...meterstuff
| ...meterstuff

What would be cool would be if we could do something similar to how Photoshop can nest groups...

| ...meterstuff
| ...meterstuff
| ...meterstuff
| [+] METER
| | ...meterstuff
| | ...meterstuff
| |_...meterstuff

I looked throught the help file on the NP++ site and dug through the preferences but couldn't really see and option to nest one fold in another. Anyone know if this is possible using the rainlexer plugin? thanks

Re: Rainlexer/NP++ Question

Posted: July 15th, 2011, 1:38 am
by jsmorley
There really is not. A .ini file, which is a very standard format and not something Rainmeter invented, is a "flat" file structure. Every [Section] is a stand alone entity, and there is no such thing as a "parent" or "child" section in an ini file.

Re: Rainlexer/NP++ Question

Posted: July 15th, 2011, 2:20 am
by Waldensamkeit
Ahh well, Just thought I'd ask. Was getting lazy scrolling through massive amounts. I'll end up splitting everything up with @include anyway. Thanks for the clarification though...