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A handful of things I have noticed...

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A handful of things I have noticed...

Post by jsmorley »

All of these are issues I have run into in both Vista and Windows 7. Not sure the OS is an issue, but since I didn't run Rainmeter under XP, I don't want to ignore the possibility.

1) If you use "Folder Options" and change whether "Hide Protected Operating System Files" is "on" or "off", Rainmeter crashes. Every time.

2) If you run Nero Burning Rom version 9.x Rainmeter crashes. Every time.

3) If you change the Windows Taskbar from "Autohide" to not auto-hidden, or the other way around, many of Rainmeter's "plugins" stop displaying. You have to exit Rainmeter and restart it.

4) There are a few annoying but non-fatal inconsistencies in how Rainmeter wants path/file names entered in things like bangs. For instance, using !execute ["appname"] wants quotes around the application, and works fine with long file names, spaces in the path, etc. PLAY on the other hand hates quotes, and will not work with file or path names with spaces. Relative path naming is also inconsistent, with some things seeing the starting point as your current skin directory, and others seeing the starting point as "C:\Program Files\Rainmeter.

5) While I have it sorta working, there are still issues with MouseOver and MouseLeave. I can't quite wrap my head around it, but there is an issue with "right-clicking" a meter (doesn't seem to matter if you capture the right-click and use it or just let the Rainmeter context menu come up) which then causes MouseOver and MouseLeave to be ignored until you do "Refresh all" in the Rainmeter context menu. using !RainmeterRefresh isn't enough... This doesn't happen if you left-click a meter.

Re: A handful of things I have noticed...

Post by sgtevmckay »


Sum of this I can answer;
#1.) You are not the first person to realay this issue.
Update posted to Issue board!

#3.) I have not noticed this in windows XP, but U have not done this in vista since the latest releases. I Currently think this maybe a Rainmeter issue as this did not happen under 0.14 official release.
I am wondering if this is not related to an already listed isuue?
Update posted to Issue board!

#4.) As I understand it, this is a Rainmeter coding issue, and has existed long before I came on-board, so it is my belief that this is the way it is supposed to be, or at least at this time.

#5.) I firmly believe that this is a Rainmeter issue, and should be brought to the dev folks attention.

Any Other thoughts?