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Long overdue Long winded Thank You

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Joined: March 26th, 2015, 7:08 pm

Long overdue Long winded Thank You

Post by ~EDGE~ »

Ive been using Rainmeter now for some years and really wanted to say....
Thank you!Thank you!
For all the time and effort on a truly awesome piece of software...I really could never say it enough. I cant even count how many times i use it daily.
From a custom automotive engine control/tuning computer to my most favorite MultiMonitorTouchMediaPlayerGPS-MTPC in my 1968 dodge a100 van
All of my HTPC's
A really cool "TouchScreenGuitarAmpController slash MultiOverDrivePedal slash PC" i made years ago that still rocks everyday.
Even the main control interface on my Fanuc CNC is Rainmeter controlled..
Most recently a really awesome frontend for a touchscreen MAME\Jukebox.
So to all the Developers, Programmers, Coders, Contributors, Professors, Pastors, Teachers, and the cute girl at the Starbucks around the corner.
all tired people that have been up way toooo long and should have been "too" bed many hours ago...but i only got a just a little bit left to do and then ill be right there sweetheart.. :yawn:

Thank You All!

And an especially BIG thank you to all of their...
Girlfriends, Boyfriends, Wives, Children and Parents or Parent (not excluding Grandmas,Grannies,Maws or Papa's)
for all their patience and understanding!

And of course to anyone i left out...your the ones that probably need to be thanked the most.