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I can't seem to replicate the "--" that is used in lua files for a notes skin...

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I can't seem to replicate the "--" that is used in lua files for a notes skin...

Post by JosephB2000 »

When in a lua file, you can type two dashes (--) in order to type a comment after the two dashes that is ignored when the script is activated. I want to replicate this feature for a normal .txt file used for a notes skin, I currently have this:

Code: Select all

function Initialize()
	NotesFilePath = SKIN:MakePathAbsolute(SELF:GetOption('FilePath'))
	NotesBlockComment = SELF:GetOption('BlockComment')
	NotesDivider = SELF:GetOption('Divider')

end -- Initialise

function Update()

	NotesFile =, 'r')
	NotesFileText = NotesFile:read('*a')
	NotesDividedString = NotesFileText:gsub(NotesDivider .. '.*', '')
	NotesString = NotesDividedString:gsub(NotesBlockComment .. '.*' .. NotesBlockComment, '')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'NotesText', 'Text', '' .. NotesString)
end -- Update
There's a bit more to the script, but they all work perfectly so they should not be the problem.

Here is the measure from the .ini file:

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What should happen is that whenever someone types in the .txt file "-- (Blah blah) --", everything from the first dash to the fourth dash should be substituted out of the string. Hwoever, all that is returned is "0".

I have no idea what the problem is...

And when I remove the NotesString = NotesDividedString:gsub(NotesBlockComment .. '.*' .. NotesBlockComment, '') from the lua script and replace NotesDividedString = NotesFileText:gsub(NotesDivider .. '.*', '') with NotesString = NotesFileText:gsub(NotesDivider .. '.*', ''), everything works perfectly...
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Re: I can't seem to replicate the "--" that is used in lua files for a notes skin...

Post by jsmorley »

Although it isn't the issue, you really want to consider .- instead of .* to indicate "zero or more", as .* is "greedy" and will for instance replace:

This is the first line
--This is the first comment--
This is the second line
--This is the second comment--
This is the third line

With just

This is the first line
This is the third line

This is due to it matching everything between the first -- and the LAST --

If you use .- instead, which is "ungreedy", it should return:

This is the first line
This is the second line
This is the third line
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Re: I can't seem to replicate the "--" that is used in lua files for a notes skin...

Post by jsmorley »

So there is the problem with .* vs. .- noted above, and there is one other thing to be careful about:


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Code: Select all

function Initialize()

	divider = SELF:GetOption('Divider')
	divider = divider:gsub('-', '%%-')

function Update()

	myString = 'This is line 1\n--This is comment 1--\nThis is line 2\n--This is comment 2--\nThis is line 3'
	newString = myString:gsub(divider..'.-'..divider, '')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterOne', 'Text', newString)
Be aware that the "-" (minus) character is a reserved character in pattern matching as it means "ungreedy zero or more characters". It is perfectly fine to use "-" in a "string", but not in a "pattern" as a literal.

To use it as a literal in a pattern, you must escape the "-" character with "%". Of course "%" is ALSO a reserved character, so you must also escape it... So you end up with divider = divider:gsub('-', '%%-')

Then my example works as expected...
Reserved (or "magic") characters in Lua pattern matching are:

() . % + - * ? [ ^ $

The meaning of "repetition characters" in pattern matching are:

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+	1 or more repetitions
*	0 or more repetitions
-	also 0 or more repetitions
?	optional (0 or 1 occurrence)

It can get a bit involved with the difference between a "control character" sequence like \n that has a special meaning everywhere, and "reserved characters" which are only special in a pattern. That might be a conversation for another day.
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